| RNP presents work on a seminar about accessibility
On August 28th and 29th, the School of Public Health of the University of São Paulo (FSP/USP) promoted the I Seminar of Accessibility, Information Technology and Digital Inclusion (ATIID). Its purpose was to discuss ways to ensure a greater access of the population, especially those bearing any kind of handicap, to information technologies. The program of the seminar was divided in two theme groups: "University" and "Solutions: Projects, Practice and Successful Experiences."
RNP participated in the second group with the paper "The Concept of Universal Design and RNP's Website Evaluation Model," presented by Clorisval Pereira Junior, designer and technician at RNP's Information Center (IC). This work, by Pereira Júnior and Rodolfo Capeto, another member of the IC, shows the need to consider accessibility and usability aspects in website projects. Marta Leal, the general Information director at RNP, was also present in the event.
RNP's involvement with the question of accessibility is not new. In May 2001, Pereira Júnior participated in the Workshop for Digital Inclusion, organized by the Electronic Governess Executive Committee (see Governo Eletrônico ), and in October 2000, together with Rodolfo Capeto, he presented the article "Website Evaluation Indicators" in IHC 2000, the III Workshop on Human Factors in Computing Systems. In 1999, RNP cooperated to the implantation of the website of Saci (Solidarity, Suppport, Communication and Information) Network by developing a set of guidelines for web page editting according to the recommendations of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The WAI is an initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) whose aim is to promote the easy use of the Web by people with handicaps.
[RNP, 09.28.2001] | News index: 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 |