RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa

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Security incidents at the academic network drop by half

RNP starts to disclose statistics on the area at each quarter

[RNP, 04.19.2007]

Retrospective 2006: training for the future

RNP launches two more units of the Escola Superior de Redes

[RNP, 01.25.2007]

Retrospective 2006: advanced services for C&T

University Network of Telemedicine integrates regional initiatives

[RNP, 01.24.2007]

about RNP services

Through RNP2 backbone, the Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP – National Education and Research Network) provides IP service with national, international and Internet2 traffic facilities and peering, in a high bandwidth infrastructure and support to advanced applications.

RNP2 backbone has its own international links and is connected to the Internet2 and Géant academic networks. Through the Ampath project, maintained by Florida International University and the company Global Crossing, RNP also exchanges data with academic networks from other Latin American countries, such as Argentina, Chile and Peru.

Connection to RNP2

Points of presence

Information about RNP’s points of presence with addresses and references of the technical and administrative contacts.

RNP2 Services

Services and advanced applications that use the infrastructure of RNP2 backbone. RNP has made several multicast and unicast transmissions. It also makes videoconference services available through the Internet2 Commons and the project Virtual Rooms Videoconferencing System (VRVS).

Backbone operation

Information about the operation of RNP2 backbone, with maps of the network topology and access statistics.

Backbone RNP2

Network security

Information about the activities and services developed by the Security Incident Response Team (Cais). Assistance, security alerts, recommendations, references, special projects, among others.