RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa

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RNP offices

The various services and activities maintained by RNP are carried out in a distributed way by its technical and administrative personnel stationed in Brasilia, Campinas and Rio de Janeiro.

RNP - Rio de Janeiro

Rua Lauro Müller, 116 sala 1103
22290-906 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
phone: 55 21 2102-9660
fax: 55 21 2279-3731

technical contact
Marcelo Castellan Braga mcbraga@rnp.br

administrative contact
Therezinha Figueiredo tfigueiredo@rnp.br


RNP - Campinas

Prédio da Embrapa/Unicamp
Av. André Tosello, 209
Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz
13083-886 Campinas, SP
phone: (19) 3787-3300
fax: (19) 3787-3301

technical contact
Flávio Kaatz flavio.kaatz@rnp.br

administrative contact
Renata Godoy renata@rnp.br


RNP - Brasília

SAS, quadra 5, lote 6, bloco H, 7° andar
Edifício IBICT
70070-914 Brasília, DF
phone: (61) 3243-4300
fax: (61) 3226-5303

technical contact
Wederson Martins Oliveira wederson.oliveira@rnp.br

administrative contact
Paula Oliveira Silva paula@rnp.br
