RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa

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RNP increases its traffic capacity with foreign countries

Access to sites from other countries will be faster

On October 2, there was an increase in the international traffic capacity of the institutions using Ipê Network – the multigigabit infrastructure kept by the National Education and Research Network (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - RNP). The link hired from Global Crossing enabled 700 Mbps traffic to occur, starting from Ipê Network’s point of presence in São Paulo. This capacity, added to the potential of PoP-RJ’s international link (155 Mbps), elevates the traffic capacity between RNP and the commercial Internet abroad to 855 Mbps.

This increase was already predicted by contract. RNP’s analysts had detected that the traffic with the commercial Internet was close to saturation, reaching about 80% of the previous capacity of the link.

RNP relies on four international channels: the links hired for the PoPs RJ and SP and the connections with Clara Network (155 Mbps) and with Whren/Lila (1.24 Gbps). The connections with Clara (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) and with Whren/Lila (Western Hemisphere Research and Education Networks/Links Interconnecting Latin America) are exclusively academic. The link with Whren/Lila is shared with Clara and with the academic network of the state of São Paulo, Ansp, and it only serves some specific projects of RNP’s clients. The connections with Clara and Whren/Lila enable the exchange of information with two academic networks: the European Géant and the American Internet2.

[RNP, 08.25.2006]

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